Monday, January 26, 2009

For Credit: What IS the solemn lesson of the ruin'd year?


Offer your conjectures here.

Two related questions you might consider:

Seward writes of "Nature" and of "the time,/and its great Ruler," and of "sacred fear." What (if anything) do such concepts have to do with Stevens's "Nothing that is not there and the nothing that is"?

The word "Enlightenment" got written on the board in class on Friday, and has not been referred to since. Is that a term that--like "sensibility"--can help us make sense of this poem?

Please don't worry that you should have emerged from class today with a solid "big picture" of what these two poems are all about, or that your response here should reflect such a big picture. Thoughtful explanation or questioning of a single line or image can contribute to the conversation through which we can together arrive at a big picture.

Deadline: Wednesday (1/28), noon.

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