Sunday, January 25, 2009

For Credit: Minds of Winter

Read the two poems on the "The Minds of Winter" handout. Respond here with your thoughts about how these poems are similar or different. You don't have to have a fully worked out analysis of each poem! Just point out some interesting point of connection, the more specific, the better. It's okay to be brief. Cite lines as necessary to support your reflections.

Deadline: Monday (1/26), 9am.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Both poem's seem to hold winter as something apart. The Sonnet speaks of winter as a "sacred fear", and The Snow Man talks of "misery in the sound of the wind". There are also many references to the idea of hearing between the two poems. The sonnet talks about those who "careless hear" and The Snow Man talks of the person who listens in the snow hearing nothing.

The two ideas of these poems are connected because the need to listen reflects some inner fear of winter. The poem's talk of dread and emptiness associated with winter and that even if one listens they still might hear nothing. There is a large feeling of loneliness and separation in the imagery of both poems.